tag namescrub-rtsummary-6.6_2023-08-10 (756256ce9ce37e88b0fa571937c5ee1665c59795)
tag date2023-08-10 08:12:24 -0700
tagged byDarrick J. Wong <>
tagged objectcommit 526aab5f57...
xfs: online scrubbing of realtime summary files [v26.1]
This patchset implements an online checker for the realtime summary file. The first few changes are some general cleanups -- scrub should get its own references to all inodes, and we also wrap the inode lock functions so that we can standardize unlocking and releasing inodes that are the focus of a scrub. With that out of the way, we move on to constructing a shadow copy of the rtsummary information from the rtbitmap, and compare the new copy against the ondisk copy. This has been running on the djcloud for years with no problems. Enjoy! Signed-off-by: Darrick J. Wong <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iHUEABYKAB0WIQQ2qTKExjcn+O1o2YRKO3ySh0YRpgUCZNT+WAAKCRBKO3ySh0YR pgDVAPsEWPE0rPh6NtW1uJZkE7pXMQM1hm+5SWx11nD2DQl7cwD/QdIB1Nha2FUo 1M4ib1ERq9Fut8EV919BSRrn9AacHAk= =jK1O -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----